Known Issues - Android Tools Project Site Projects don't show the Project Libraries container with the library jar files. This can happen when starting Eclipse. Closing and opening the offending project should properly populate it again with the library jar files. Fixed in r15. The SDK Manager an
在電腦上pc端運行android安卓模擬器圖文教程_百度經驗 配置Android模擬器 運行 SDK Manager.exe (在目F:\android-sdk_r15-windows\android-sdk-windows錄下)。不會出現SDK列表請點擊“Tools”菜單,選擇“Options”,勾選Force https://...sourcesto be fetched using http://,如下圖
Introducing the MTN Steppa, the most affordable smartphone ever! | Word on the street i bought that phone infact im using it as we speak…but i’ve a problem…with my mtn data bundles i can log in on facebook and twitter google talk but only whatsapp demands airtime ..and when i recharge(maybe i recharge with R10 or R15) i will only send one
For Developers: Android SDK Tools r15 And ADT 15 Bug ... 作者:Artem Russakovskii - 2011年10月27日 - The Android 4.0 API that was released together with the unveiling of the Galaxy Nexus also brought us, developers, ADT 14 and SDK Tools r14 ...
installer - Unable to Install Platforms for Android SDK r15 ... 2011年11月7日 - So without the tools described ongline it seems impossible to install the ... Tools > Android SDK Tools (R15, Installed) > Extra > nothing under ...
[HOT!!! New SDK r15 + ADT 15] Android 4.0 Platform: Make the ... New to the SDK: - SKD Tools, r15 - ADT plugin 15.0.0. Check for updates on the Eclipse help tab. You can test ICS (and your apps ) via Android ...
Wiebe Elsinga » Update: Android SDK Tools r15 And ADT 15 作者:Wiebe Elsinga - 2011年10月27日 - As some of you already may have noticed, the new Android 4.0 SDK Tools and ADT 14 contained some manor bugs. For example a scrolling ...
Android SDK更新r15 _StackDoc 2011年11月1日 - ... 作者:Internet 點擊: 次. Android SDK更新r15 SDK更新r15,platform tools更新r9,ADT更新15 下載地址: linux: ...
Android SDK Tools r15 / ADT r15 was just released ... 2011年10月27日 - ... 2011 5:10 PM. Posted in group: Maven Android Developers ... Android SDK Tools r15 and ADT 15 fix a lot of blocking issues. go get them.
[android-developers] Re: SDK and ADT r15 - Google Groups 2011年10月27日 - we've just release SDK Tools r15 and a matching ADT 15.0. This is a ... I see the "Android SDK Tools" item showing as Rev 14 and the for a